영어회화 5일차!
1. 알다 [know, understand] => 알고있는 상태, 사실 등에 대해 말하는 단어
- I know the way there.
- I know his phone number.
- I know where she lives.
- I don't know why there are so many people there.
- I understand how you feel.
- I understand why she did that but I don't agree with her decision.
- I don't understand what it means.
2. 알게 되다 [find out, figure out] => 모르는 상태에서 아는 상태로 넘어가는 과정을 뜻함
find out : 몰랐던 사실이나 정보를 알게 되었을 때 사용
figure out : 방법이나 해결책을 알게 되었을 때 사용
- I found out about that yesterday(just yesterday). : 난 그걸 어제서야 알았어요.
- I figured out how to use it. : 난 그걸 어떻게 사용하는 지 알았어.
- I figured out how to get there. : 난 그곳에 어떻게 가는 지 알았어.
3. '깨닫다' 라고 외운 알다를 뜻하는 단어 [realize]
- I finally realized what the problem was.
4. 알아차리다[notice] => 특이한 점/바뀐 점을 보고 알아차린 느낌같은 단어 ≠ notify : 알리다(헷갈리지말것!)
- I saw my friend at school today and I noticed (that) she had gotten a haircut. *직접 보고 알아차린 것!!!!
- I ran into my friend on the street this morning, and I noticed she looked a little different.
- I noticed you were drinking a lot of coffee today, did you have trouble sleeping last night?
** realize ≠ notice **
realize : 모든 과정이 머릿속에서만 이루어짐. '깨닫다' 라는 의미를 잊지 말 것!
notice : 외부와의 접촉에서 발생하는 것과 이루어짐.
5. 뭔지/누군지 알아보다.[recognize]
- This morning, someone said hello to me on the street, but I didn't recognize him.
- Do you recognize this author?
- She looked very familiar, but I couldn't recognize her.
- If you saw your boyfriend's handwriting, would you recognize it?
6. (존재여부에 대해) 알다.[be aware of] => 인식하고 있었다 라는 느낌
- I wasn't aware of that policy.
- They were aware of the rules.
- We were aware of the rules.
- They were not aware of the situation at the time.
7. 잘 알다. [be familiar with] =>숙지하다/ 너무 잘알고 있는 느낌
- I'm not very familiar with this topic.
- Are you familiar with this kind of situation?
8. 판단하다. [tell] => 알다로 해석되는 경우가 많음
- I can't tell what it says. :뭐라는지 모르겠어
- I can't tell how they are different.
- Can you tell what this is? Do you think it's water?
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